Richard read History and Archaeology at Exeter before moving on to Oxford where he completed his DPhil in 1994. He worked for the Sussex Archaeological Society for five years before taking up a research fellowship at Birmingham in 2000 working on the Whittlewood Project. In 2001 this project relocated to Leicester where he joined the Centre for English Local History. Briefly escaping to Cardiff in 2005 as a Lecturer in Archaeology he returned to ELH as Lecturer in Landscape History the following year and has been there ever since. In 2017 he became Director of the Centre. He is a medieval landscape and environmental historian whose research explores the complex relationships that developed between rural communities and their locales/environments in England, Wales, and France across the whole of the Middle Ages (c. 500-1500AD). His work sits within the interstices of several disciplines including history, archaeology, physical and historical geography, and toponomastics. His studies of place-making, agricultural practice, and responses to environmental threats in medieval England and Wales have been conducted at local, regional, and national scales.

Richard Jones Publications

AuthorTitleTypePublicationMore Information
C. Dyer and R. Jones (eds.)Deserted Villages RevisitedBookHatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2010
P. Cullen, R. Jones and D.N. ParsonsThorps in a Changing LandscapeBookHatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2011)
R. JonesThe Medieval Natural World BookLondon: Longman Pearson, 2013
R. Jones (ed.)Manure Matters: historical, archaeological and ethnographic perspectivesBookFarnham: Ashgate, 2012
R. Jones and M. PageMedieval Villages in an English Landscape: Beginnings and EndsBookMacclesfield: Windgather Press, 2006
R. Jones and S. Semple (eds.)Sense of Place in Anglo-Saxon EnglandBookDonington: Shaun Tyas, 2012
Ben Pears and Richard JonesRapid laminated clastic alluviation associated with increased Little Ice Age flooding co-driven by climate variability and historic land-use in the middle Severn catchment, UK.PaperThe Holocene, 2023
Ben Pears and Richard JonesA sub-centennial-scale OSL chronostratigraphy and Late-Holocene flood history from a temperate river confluencePaper
B. Pears, A.G. Brown, J. Carroll, P. Toms, J. Wood and R. JonesEarly Medieval Place-Names and Riverine Flood Histories: A New Approach and New Chronostratigraphic Records for Three English RiversPaperEuropean Journal of Archaeology, 2020
Carenza Lewis and Richard JonesThe Midlands: Medieval Settlements and LandscapesPaper
Richard JonesResponding to Modern Flooding: Old English Place-Names as a Repository of Traditional Ecological KnowledgePaperJournal of Ecological Anthropology 18 (2016)
Richard JonesVers une comprehension du fumier et de la fumure médiévale: quelques enseignements d’AngleterrePaperin M. Conesa and N. Poirier (eds), Fumiers! Ordures! Gestion et usage des déchets et Moderne, Flaran 38 (Toulouse: Presse Universitaires du Midi, 2019)
Richard JonesThe Elemental (Re)turn: the Archaeology of Elemental Philosophy and Humoral PrinciplesPaper
Richard JonesGerard’s Herball and the treatment of the war-wounded and diseased during the English Civil WarPaper
Richard JonesThe village and the butterfly: nucleation out of chaos and complexityPaperLandscapes, 11.1 (2010)
Richard JonesManure and the medieval social orderPaper
Richard JonesPlace-names in Landscape Archaeology
Richard JonesArchaeology and Place-NamesPaper
Richard JonesRe-politicising Local HistoryPaper
Richard JonesThe Nature of ThingsPaper
Richard JonesSignatures in the Soil: the use of pottery in manure scatters in the identification of medieval arable farming regimesPaper
Richard Jones
Changing Settlements and Landscapes: Medieval Whittlewood, its Predecessors and Successors
Richard Jones
Contrasting patterns of village and hamlet desertion in England
Richard JonesRethinking Old English ToponymsPaper
Richard JonesDirectional names in the early medieval landscapePaper
Richard JonesHunting for the meaning of the place-name UptonPaper
Richard JonesElemental theory in everyday practice: food disposal in the later medieval English countrysidePaper
Richard JonesThinking through the manorial affix: people and place in later medieval EnglandPaper
Richard JonesOh Shit!PaperThe published version of this paper can be accessed here
Richard JonesLandscape History and the Unmaking of the English LandscapePaper
Richard JonesL’impact des diasporas sur les Iles Britanniques: l’histoire, l’archeologie, et la genetiquePaper
Richard Jones and Paul CullenThorps and the open fields: a new hypothesis from EnglandPaper
Richard Jones and Paul Cullen
Contrasting patterns of village and hamlet desertion in England
Richard Jones and Susan KilbyMitigating river flood risk in medieval EnglandPaper
Richard Jones, Rebecca Gregory, Susan Kilby, and Ben PearsLiving with a Trespasser: riparian names and medieval settlement on the River Trent floodplainPaperEuropean Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 7 (2017)
R. Jones and C. Dyer (eds.)Farmers, Innovators, Consumers: the World of Joan ThirskBookHatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2017
Richard JonesSettlement archaeology and place-namesPapern J. Carroll, & D. N. Parsons (eds.), Perceptions of Place: Twenty-first Century Interpretations of English Place-Name Studies (Nottingham: English Place-Name Society, 2013)