A New Publication by LAHS member Nick Miller.

Church History in Leicestershire charts the story of religion in England from pre-Christian times to the 20thcentury, viewed through the events and eyes and experiences of people in Leicestershire. Weaving together ecclesiastical, political and social strands, it chronicles the tortuous tale of religion, churches and the people who worshipped there. There will be more details about the book in the Spring LAHS Newsletter, but if you would like to know more or order a copy, visit Church History in Leicestershire | The Book Guild Ltd. The book costs £14.99, 520pp, ISBN: 97819166668065

Please note that this content was not originated by FCELH but it has been posted here because it may be of interest to members and others interested in English local history. For any queries please contact:

Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society,
The Guildhall, Guildhall Lane, Leicester LE1 5FQ