‘Provisions for the people: the food supply of Loughborough, 1851-1897’ by Dave Fogg Postles

This is part of Dave’s new book on the food supply of Loughborough and is available as a FREE download from:


This is a temporary location until the full book is published. The parts will be available here as they are completed. The print run will only be 50 copies.

Dave Fogg Postles is a former academic, now retired. In 1967, he was awarded an Open Exhibition at the University of Oxford, from which he graduated in 1970.  During his career as an archivist (1970-1988), he wrote a PhD thesis on a medieval subject.  In 1988, he was appointed Marc Fitch Research Fellow at the University of Leicester, from which he took early retirement in 2005, although he held a University Research Fellowship in the School of English there from 2005-2010.  He is currently Hon. Snr Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire.

Dave is a member of the Friends of the Centre for English Local History, Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society and probably several other local history groups. He has published several books and articles including:

Dave Fogg Postles Publications

AuthorTitleTypePublicationMore Information
Dave Fogg PostlesProvisions for the people: the food supply of
Loughborough, 1851-1897.
2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesNorthfields Council Estate remembered.2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesThe persistence of patronage and the composition of the Anglican Clergy in the Archdeaconry of Leicester, c.1850-1903.2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesThe earliest Leicestershire wills. 2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesSpinsters and Sisters: The Transformation of a Female Sphere in Leicestershire, 1851-1903.2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesCharacteristics of the Clergy: the Anglican Experience in the Late-Victorian Transition in Leicestershire.2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesA Wife’s Dilemma: Debt and The Married Women’s Property Act.2024View here
Dave Fogg PostlesTrading Beyond his Capital.2022View here
Dave Fogg PostlesA Town in its Parish: Loughborough, Origins to 1640.2015View here
Dave Fogg PostlesMicrocynicon: Aspects of Early-modern England.2014View here
Dave Fogg PostlesSocial Dramas: Literature and Language in Early-Modern England.2010More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesSocial Geographies in England 1200-16402007More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesThe North Through its Names: A Phenomenology of Medieval and Early-Modern Northern England2007More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesNaming the People of England, c.1100-13502006More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesSocial Proprieties: Social Relations in Early-Modern England (1500-1680)2006More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesTalking ballocs: nicknames and English medieval sociolinguistics.2003View here
Dave Fogg PostlesLay Piety in Transition: Local Society and New Religious Houses in England, 1100-12801998More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesThe Surnames of Devon1995More information here
Dave Fogg PostlesLiterary and Imaginary Geographies: Aspects of E. M. Forster’s Novels.View here
Dave Fogg PostlesSome Medieval Taxation Returns.View here

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