The Rendlesham Project

Anglo-Saxon Life in South-East Sussex

Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service is running a community archaeology project called “Rendlesham Revealed” from 2020-2024, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It follows on from a pilot project undertaken at Rendlesham in 2008-2017, which uncovered evidence of the Anglo-Saxon royal settlement. This settlement, first recorded by Bede in the 8th Century, is where East Anglian kings would have stayed, feasted with their followers, administered justice, and collected dues and tribute.

See the talk by Tom Williamson from the Rendlesham Revealed project on Rendlesham in the Landscape

There is a whole raft of interesting talks in the series.

For updates or to get involved in the project, visit

Please be aware that the Rendlesham site is on private farmland and has no public access.

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